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Why Mobile Phones are Ruining Relationships

Mobile Phones. Once A Business Tool, Now A Relationship Destroyer.

Gone are the days where phones were used for business. Now, they’re our watches, our calendars, our social lives, and even our brains. But have we gone too far? Putting so much emphasis on our smartphones just doesn’t seem that smart.

This is especially evident in the dating world. A new study recently published in the Psychology of Popular Media Culture journal, found that 70 percent of its female participants – all of who were married or cohabiting – said that smart phones were interfering in their relationships.

Think of all the relationships that would still be on if mobiles weren’t invented. Here are a few reasons why…

Drunk Dialling

Plenty of people have made the stupid mistake of drunk dialling or texting someone they’re seeing, only for it to blow up in their face, or worse, turn to radio silence. No good can come from drunken repartee.

Deep down we know we shouldn’t do it. Yet we’ve all found ourselves, after one too many drinks on a Friday night, frantically trying to stop a message being sent by turning our phones off. The best way to stop it being sent is to not send it at all.

There are even apps to prevent you from making this modern-day faux pas, with apps such as Stop Drunk Texting – which enables you to block 6 contacts when you go out drinking, for a 12-hour period.

We Spend More Time With Our Phones Than We Do Our Partners

When was the last time you had a proper chat to your partner on the couch or in the bedroom? But yet, we choose to sit there on our phones, replying to our 867th Facebook friend’s rant.

Put down the phone people! It’s killing your intimacy. We should be fiddling with our partners, not our phones.

When you’re on your phone you’re not really in the room, and you give off the impression that your phone is more important to you than your partner. Don’t take your partner for granted, be present, or you’ll miss out on valuable moments with them.

Too Available

Having a mobile phone has taken the chase out of dating. We’ve become too available and because of it, our pursuers have become lazy. They no longer need to make an effort to call us and the nerves/magic of waiting for them to call has vanished.

With one simple, and sometimes anonymous text, we can be asked out, but so can someone else. It’s all just a little too easy.

More Likely to Be Rejected

This works in reverse too. It’s become far too easy to reject someone on a mobile. When someone asks you out by text, it’s much easier to say no than if they’d called you. There’s no pressure of an awkward silence, forcing you into saying yes.

I wonder how many couples would have got together if mobiles weren’t invented? They would have given someone a go they were unsure of, only to go on a date and discover they’re the love of their life.

Putting On a Façade

These days there’s too much pressure from social media to portray the perfect relationship, but has this over compensation cost us our happiness?

If we concentrated more on having a real-life relationship, instead of portraying one on social media that’s unachievable, we’d be a lot happier.

Relationships Have Become Disposable

It’s now far too easy to dismiss, reject and discard people, that relationships have become disposable. At the slightest sign of a problem, we dismiss what be the love of our lives, all because we didn’t like the tone of a text message or the emoticon they used?

With mobile phones, relationships are so expendable, which is why Tinder is so successful. You can give someone the flick without even having a conversation.

We hide behind our phones; these plastic and metal barriers have become a shield between us and the real world. They’ve also enabled us to create a public persona that isn’t authentic, which is why there’s so much backlash at the moment about Tinder. It’s far too easy for someone to create a dating profile that isn’t a true representation of them. Which is one of the reasons why people are now turning to matchmaking services to help them find love.

A professional matchmaker is a wonderful way to meet people in person, without the worry of whether they are who they say they are, as every person is screened. You can sit down with matchmaking expert for a one-on-one consultation to discuss what you’re looking for in a partner, and they will do an extensive search on their database to find them for you. If they don’t find them, they then go out and scout for you. With our ever-increasing reliability on our mobiles, it’s a great way to put down your phone and meet someone in person.

Try our elite Perth dating service for yourself, and increase your chances of finding love, but maybe put down your phone and click the link from your desktop instead.

Click here to view my video blog 

Until next week.

Wishing you love, always,

Louanne Ward x