
Suite 5, 531 Hay Street Subiaco, WA 6008 1 Cathedral Ave, Perth, WA 6000

First date conversation starters and questions to ask

The first date should be light-hearted and interesting and not too serious or personal. Find out how many things you have in common through your matchmaker even if the date is not someone you would consider for a relationship the first date can still be a huge success and leave you feeling good and helping you define what you are looking for.


Few people on you meet don’t have some appreciation of music. Does your match like any of the same type of music as you, what was it their favourite feel good song,  their first favourite song as a child?  What is their favourite artist right now?  If you could meet any artist who would it be? Ask what they blast in the car or do they listen to talk back when in the car. There is no right or wrong answers and even if you don’t share any of the same musical tastes, this is a great conversation waiting to be had.


What is you favourite family event? Favourite family moment Where does your family live? Where did you grow up and do your parents still live in the house you grew up in? Do you have brothers or sisters? Did you have a favourite aunt or uncle? What is your most embarrassing family moment? It’s always interesting hearing about other people’s families it can lead to valuable insights as to the relationships they hold.

A current event

Keeping up with the local and national news will give you something to talk about on a first date. It’s always interesting to hear how other people interpret the same news and how their views differ from our own as well as how it affects them emotionally. Try to be conscious not to criticize or judge somebody else’s opinions and individual points of view. Try to avoid highly controversial issues and if the conversation looks like becoming heated know when to and change the subject and convert back to common ground.

Favourite Pastimes

It’s always easy sharing a passion with someone new and seeing what it is that inspires them. Are they a diehard football fan? Do they spend all their free time keeping busy, spending time at home working out and living healthy? Do they obsess over a TV series? Do they like to spend time with others or spend time alone? Do they like the great outdoors or prefer the opera and the arts? Do they like to travel? The list could go on forever, but you get the idea. Its all about having a two way conversation where both parties can interact with no right or wrong answer.

What sports do you play or like?

How long have you played for? Passive supporter or a go to every game kind of fan? What were your favourite sports at school? Did you ever win any trophies? If you could be good at any sport what would it be? Who’s your favourite sporting hero? Most inspirational sporting story? Even if you are not a sports fan there is always most of t5hese question in which both parties can contribute.


You can’t go wrong with talking about someone’s beloved pet. Would they consider themselves a dog person or a cat person? If they don’t have one, ask why maybe they are allergic which could be good to know especially if you have pets. Ask about their childhood pet or their fondest memory with an animal. What is their favourite animal? And what would be your dream pet and why?


Almost everyone reads something. Does your date like to read the books or the newspaper or magazines or do they get their information via the internet. What is the best book they ever read? Have they ever cried reading a book? Which book would they recommend to someone? Talking about books have you read the five Love languages? Everybody has something to gain reading this book and everyone can handle their relationships far more successfully when they understand their partner’s needs. Even if you haven’t read the same books, you can take turns giving your opinions on some of the books you have read. The more things you talk about the likeier you are to find things in common which will lead to further attraction.


Not a subject I would recommend for first date. However it’s not necessarily always the rule of thumb. In this day and age, everyone knows something about politics, even if only what was on the news today.  Love it or hate it its insightful hearing someone else’s view on political preferences.  It’s a brilliant way to see how well he/she has the ability to control themselves and whether they value others opinions. Even if you have completely different political stances It’s is also good to know what strikes a chord of passion in a date and whatever the outcome it is better to have a passion for something than to live without one.

Famous people

What famous person would you most like to meet and why? This is just a nice light hearted topic for fun.  What famous person do you most think is a total waste of time and air space? If all else fails most people will feel comfortable answering this question knowing that it’s unlikely that their being judged and expected to give the answer the other person wants to hear. And most people have an interesting memory of a famous person which has created the status of becoming a fan, was it a movie, a quote or an act of kindness?

Favourite Foods

Well everybody eats and most people appreciate good food. Whatever that is for the individual? What is their favourite food do they like to play it safe or are they willing to be adventurous? Do they have any allergies? Do they cook? Do they have a favourite restaurant? What food cant they stand? The list of questions could go on and on but one thing is for sure this is a good safe subject and a great way to learn about the other person’s habits. Do they eat healthy? Are they a vegetarian? Did you find another thing you had in common? Hardly a relationship breaker if you didn’t but still cements a common ground.

Just remember whatever you talk about to keep it friendly and don’t judge the other person for being an individual!

With over 20 years’ experience, and as Perth’s most trusted professional matchmaker, we understand the importance of matching highly compatible singles who are looking for love. Contact us today to meet the love of your life sooner than you could ever imagine.